Pale Blue Nudibranch Sea Slug


Welcome to my site! As I explore the old web/indie web, I figured I should make my own little corner of the internet and document some things while learning html! Feel free to look around, I have done my best to make this site accessible and easy on the eyes! I will be continually updating this site so be sure to check back again :)

Goniobranchus splendidus

About Me

I got sick of the homogeneous, data scraping AI hellhole that has become the modern internet so I'm slowly leaving it and focusing more on old web/indie web endeavors. I enjoy video games like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, farmsims and rpg games. I enjoy reading period romances. I'm slowly learning Japanese and painting with gouache. I'm interested in many things and I find new hobbies all the time :) I will probably make a "hobby log" for my site one of these days!

Chromodoris orientalis
